Weight Loss Tactics That Work – Without Crash Diets

Posted by admin on May 13, 2014 in Health and Fitness | Short Link

If you’ve made the decision to lose weight and go on a diet, you’re probably filled with motivation and hope about your results.  However, what are the odds that you succeed or fail on this?  There’s a reason that there’s a diet industry on the order of $36 billion annually in the USA.  It’s because the average person who goes on a diet, will have to go on it again and again and again.  Long term weight loss results are rare and they require fundamental changes and life long commitments.  This just isn’t easy to achieve solely through self-motivation.

Research has shown that those people who have both realistic expectations and also maintain a weight loss regimen that can actually for for their daily lives is important for success.  If they cannot easily maintain their diet and the technique, they’re far less likely to succeed.  Whether you choose a diet like atkins or South Beach, you’re going to be busy weighing out foods and calories, or carb intake every day.  This can be maintained if you design a regular diet, but often after long periods you get “cravings” for the things you’re missing and break the diet.  It’s important to find diets that permit the foods you want to eat, but also the ones that are good for you should make up the bulk of what you eat.  This is the only way to organize a diet that you can actually maintain in the future.

Healthy Chicken SoupThere’s lots of diet choices out there, but there’s no one method that will work for everyone.  For example, a popular diet today is called the “entree diet” where a person buys low fat low sodium frozen meals to eat.  This can be quite expensive, and not tremendously practical for many people.  Beyond that, many people actually experience significant boosts to their ability to lose weight if they cooked the meal themselves.  Frozen meals are often full of carbs and heavily processed, which isn’t good for people.  Another option is something called the “Scan Diet” which has been tested in clinical trials.  You eat foods that have soy beans as a focal point with each meal, and anything that’s heavy in proteins is allowed.  Protein bars or protein shakes that are ready to go after mixing are often used as meal replacements on this diet as well.  It has been shown to work for many people, but not under all circumstances.

In the USA, an estimated 130 million Americans are overweight.  This is the most it’s been in the history of the US, and is a dire condition and a drain on economic output.  People who are unhealthy and struggling with their body weight often require significant medical care, particularly later in life.  Healthier people can avoid most of these problems, and will significantly cut down on healthcare costs in that country as a result.  This is imperative for the success of economies going forward, and many countries that have healthier citizens report greater productivity and more economic growth.  This is just one reason that tackling obesity is so important.

Crash diets do not work, according to doctors.  There are many reasons for this, but the most obvious one is that this is a temporary change in a person’s diet that doesn’t last for long.  Once a person reaches their goal weight, they will often switch back to their bad habits slowly over time.  On average, weight loss that people achieve is not only lost within 6 months, but the person will typically gain even more weight than where they started to begin with.  A simplest diet will be one where you change up your foods for more natural ingredients, but don’t limit how many calories, or how much fat you’re eating per day.  Cutting our processed and store bought meals is one way to really cut out a lot of the bad things that cause obesity.  The most important thing, however, is to figure out a method the works for your, but also is something you can sustain in the long run.

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