The Three Phases for Rapid HCG Weight Loss

Posted by admin on July 4, 2014 in Health and Fitness | Short Link

The HCG diet is quite possibly the most popular and effective treatment for obesity in the world today. You can use any number of methods to administer the hormone, but across the board people are succeeding with this method more than any other known.  It’s easy to see why this is the case when you take a look at the clinical trials on its effectiveness.  The HCG diet will generate 20 to 30 pounds of fat loss within a single regimen, typically resulting in this weight loss over the course of only a month.  This has been demonstrated in dozens of studies which compared results using this hormone to just dieting alone.

The HCG diet is designed around boosting metabolism and decreasing appetite in users naturally, however, the protocol itself centers around three distinct phases.  Each phase of the diet has a specific motive, as it’s designed around maximal results as quickly as possible for the users.  Regardless if you’re on the modern approach, as described by real HCG drops providers or by your doctor, or the original protocol you follow the same method as described herein.  There are subtle variations in the foods allowed or exercises permitted depending on the diet.  However, both methods, oral drops or with injections, follow the same three phases of the diet.

The Three Phases for HCG Dieting

1. Loading Phase

Phase one is often colloquially referred to as the “loading phase” by dieters.  This is the period of time that lasts up to 3 days at the start of taking the HCG hormone each day.  A person begins to take HCG, and then eats foods that are high in fat and low in carbohydrates.  This allows their fat cells to enlarge, and more easily discharge stored lipids down the road.  It also helps boost their metabolism to a “high starting state” preventing large drops in fat burning later on.  Cementing caloric burning at a high level in this phase is very important.

Woman enjoying salad2. Low Calorie Diet Phase

Phase two is the longest phase of the HCG diet, lasting up to 57 days depending on the regimen undertaken.  During this period users take HCG each day but also cut their calories down to either 500 or 700 total per day.  This is possible due to the strong appetite suppressing effects of the hormone as well as it’s metabolic effects.  Typically if someone dropped calories by this much their metabolism would drop as well, but not so with his hormone.

Certain foods are permitted during this phase, but things like dairy products are prohibited (due to their hormone content).  In addition, users are to follow a strict guidelines on protein and vegetable intakes which accompany each meal (lunch and dinner).  Good suppliers or physicians will supply comprehensive information on how to complete this diet successfully.

2. Maintenance Phase

The final phase of the hCG diet can last indefinitely, for as long as the individual wants to maintain the weight they’ve lost.  This can go on for years, but this phase of the diet is around switching to completely healthy and natural foods and maintaining a 1500 calorie per day diet.  This is also a required phase before someone can begin a new HCG protocol if they choose to do another regimen.  You need a break between HCG regimens otherwise your body gets used to it and your weight loss suffers.


The HCG diet is a powerful and effective treatment for obesity, which is why it’s grown to the popularity it enjoys today.  More people lose weight on this diet than with any other method, and it’s natural and highly effective.  It’s a great option for those seeking long term weight loss.

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